
Cynopteri 3522 C 1939

The strain was isolated in 1938 by Collierand Mochtar from a kidney of a bat (Cynopterus), captured in Jakarta (Batavia), Java, Indonesia. The strain did not appear to be pathogenic for mice or guinea-pigs. Cross-agglutination tests carried out at the Eijkman Institute, Jakarta, showed that the strain was not related to any of the available serovars and therefore they considered it to be a new serovar (Collier et al., 1939). In the review article on "Leptospirosis in Indonesia" (Collier, 1948) the serovar was named L. cynopteri. The strain appears first in the list of serovars of 1959 (WHO, 1959) as a recognized serovar in the Cynopteri serogroup.
* Collier W.A., Mochtar A. Een serologisch afwijkende leptospirastam uit de nier eener vleermuis. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned- Ind. 79, 4, 1939, 226-231.
* Collier W.A. Die Verbreitung der Leptospiren in Niederlandisch-Indien. Acta Trop. (Basel) 5, 1948, 135-159.
* WHO: Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses. Wld. Hlth. Org. Techn. Rep. Ser. No. 169, Geneva 1959, p. 83.

Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
3522 CF64 C22001-01-10:64-2.400.50add to cart
3522 CF64 C62001-01-10:64-6.500.50add to cart
3522 CF64 C72001-01-10:64-7.4400.50add to cart
3522 CF65 C32001-01-10:65-3.300.50add to cart
3522 CF69 C152001-01-10:69-15.56400.50add to cart
3522 CF64 C81986-11-06:64-8.301.00add to cart
3522 CF69 C21985-04-12:69-2401.00add to cart
3522 CF69 C81987-04-24:69-8.301.00add to cart
3522 CF69 C141985-03-29:69-14.101.00add to cart
3522 CF69 C121985-04-05:69-12.1/12.2402.00add to cart