Ndambari Ndambari 1946
The strain Ndambari was isolated from a patient in Zaire (formerly the Belgium Congo) in 1938 by van Riel (1946). It was first mentioned as representing a separate serovar in van Thiel's "The Leptospirosis" (1948), but it does not appear in Wolff and Broom's list of 1954. The strain was studied by Kmety (1967) and included as a recognized serovar in the WHO list of 1967 (WHO, Tech. Rep. Ser., No. 380).
* Riel J. van. Le foyer centro-africain de leptospirose. Ann. Soc. Belge Med. Trop. 26, 1946, 197-244
* Riel J. van. Sur l'existance au Congo Beige d'un leptospire du groupe Hebdomadis. Ann. Soc. Belge Med. Trop. 32, 5, 1952, 683-691.
* Thiel P.H. van. The Leptospirosis. Univ. Pers, Leiden, 1948, p. 231.
* Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32.
* Kmety E. Faktoranalyse von Leptospiren der Icterohaemorrhagiae and einiger verwandter Serogruppen. Biologicke Prace, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Vyd. SAV Bratislava XIII, 3, 1967, p. 124.
Showing 1 strains
Each strain costs € 564,00
Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies
All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml