Sentot Sentot 1940
The strain was isolated in 1937 from a patient living in East-Sumatra, Indonesia, by the staff of the Laboratory for Pathology in Medan. The isolate was considered to be a separate serovar related to djasiman (Walch-Sorgdrager, 1940). The strain appears for the first time in the list of 1959 as representing a separate serogroup (WHO, 1959). In the WHO list of 1967 the strain was placed in the Autumnalis group. However, when Dikken and Kmety (1978) reestablished the serogroup Djasiman, they included sentot in it. The TSC (1986) accepted this proposal.
* Walch-Sorgdrager B., Bohlander H., Schuffner W., Wolff J.W. Serologische groepering van Leptospira stammen afkomstig van gevallen van leptospirosis ter Oostkust van Sumatra. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 80, 10, 1940, 578-598 .
* WHO: Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses. Wld. Hlth. Org. Techn. Rep. Ser. No. 169, Geneva 1959, p. 83.
* WHO: Current Problems in Leptospirosis Research. Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32.
* Dikken H., Kmety E. Serological Typing Methods of Leptospires. Methods in Microbiol. vol. 11, 1978, 260-295.
* TSC meeting, 1986, Manchester: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37, 1987, 472-473.
Showing 1 strains
Each strain costs € 564,00
Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies
All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml