Bangkinang Bangkinang I 1932
The strain was isolated in Sumatra, Indonesia, in 1929 from the blood of a Chinese labourer thought to be suffering from undulant fever (Slot and van der Walle, 1932). They designated the strain Bangkinang I. Walch Sorgdrager (1939) found the strain to be related to strain Rachmat with some agglutinogenic differences.
The strain was later studied by Wolff et al. (1952), who identified it as a separate serovar. The list of serotypes of 1967 (WHO, 1967) mentions the name bangkinang with reference strain Bangkinang I.
* Slot G.A., Walle N. van der: Leptospirosen in Bangkinang. Geneesk. tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 72, 22, 1932, 1579-1597.
* Walch-Sorgdrager B., Bohlander H.: Over de verdeling der Leptospirastammen in groepen door middel van agglutinatielysis reactie. Anth. v. Leeuwenhoek Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Hyg. Microbiol. en Serologie 5, 2, 1939, 100-111.
* Wolff J.W., Boblander H.J.: Bovine leptospirosis. A survey of the epidemiology and serology and an investigation on the possible accordance. Doc. Med. geogr. trop. 4, 1952, 257-267.
* WHO: Current Problems in Leptospirosis Research. Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32
Showing 1 strains
Each strain costs € 564,00
Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies
All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml
Bangkinang I | F69 C11 | 2001-01-10:69-11.4 | 1280 | 0.50 | add to cart |
Bangkinang I | F69 C15 | 2001-01-10:69-15.5 | 1280 | 0.50 | add to cart |
Bangkinang I | F64 C8 | 1986-11-06:64-8.3 | 80 | 1.00 | add to cart |
Bangkinang I | F69 C2 | 1985-04-12:69-2 | 80 | 1.00 | add to cart |
Bangkinang I | F69 C8 | 1987-04-24:69-8.3 | 0 | 1.00 | add to cart |
Bangkinang I | F69 C14 | 1985-03-29:69-14.1 | 20 | 1.00 | add to cart |
Bangkinang I | F69 C12 | 1985-04-05:69-12.1/12.2 | 640 | 2.00 | add to cart |