
Bulgarica Nicolaevo 1958

The strain was isolated in 1951 by Jankov in Bulgaria from a patient (Mitov, Jankov, Savov, 1955). The authors quote the strain as Lept.gen.Nicolaevo with the note, that the strain was not definitively identified. Later Babudieri (1958) confirmed its separate serovar status and designated it as bulgarica, but later (1961) he considered it to be only a 'subserotype' of serovar Autumnalis. The taxon 'subserotype' was subsequently abandoned (TSC Moscow, 1966). Therefore, in the WHO list of 1967 it appears as serovar bulgarica with the reference strain Nicolaevo.
In Dikken and Kmety's paper (1978) the serovar is placed in the subgroup Fort-Braggi.
* Mitov A., Jankov N., Savov C.G.: Dobrokachestveny leptospirozy (Benigne leptospiroses). "Nauka i istkustvo", Sofia, 1955, p. 135.
* Babudieri B.: Serological study of some East European strains of leptospira. Proc. 6th. Int. Congr. Trop. Med. Malaria Lisbon, 1958, 4,437-446 .
* Babudieri B., Mateew D.: Studio serologico di alcuni ceppi bulgari di leptospire. R. C. Ist. sup. Sanita 24, 1961, 614-622.
* TSC meeting, 1966, Moscow: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 21, 1971, 138-139.
* WHO: Current Problems in Leptospirosis Research. Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32.
* Dikken H., Kmety E.: Serological Typing Methods of Leptospires. Methods in Microbiol., vol. 11, 1978, 260-295.
Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
NicolaevoF64 C22001-01-10:64-2.400.50add to cart
NicolaevoF64 C62001-01-10:64-6.500.50add to cart
NicolaevoF64 C72001-01-10:64-7.412800.50add to cart
NicolaevoF65 C32001-01-10:65-3.31600.50add to cart
NicolaevoF69 C112001-01-10:69-11.41600.50add to cart
NicolaevoF69 C152001-01-10:69-15.53200.50add to cart
NicolaevoF64 C21985-09-18:64-2.301.00add to cart
NicolaevoF64 C81986-11-06:64-8.325601.00add to cart
NicolaevoF69 C21985-04-12:69-212801.00add to cart
NicolaevoF69 C81987-04-24:69-8.301.00add to cart
NicolaevoF69 C141985-03-29:69-14.101.00add to cart
NicolaevoF64 C61996-04-02:64-6.43202.00inquire
NicolaevoF65 C31985-01-17:65-3.16401.00inquire
NicolaevoF69 C121985-04-05:69-12.1/12.2802.00add to cart