Canalzonae CZ 188 1966
The strain was isolated in 1964 from the kidney of a spiny rat (Proechimys semispinosus) in the Panama Canal Zone and described as a new serovar of the Cynopteri group named canalzoni, reference strain CZ 188 (Gale et al., 1966).
The serovar was recognized by the TSC and is included in the list of 1967 (WHO, 1967) as a member of the Cynopteri group under the corrected designation canalzonae, but with the strain name CZ 188 K. This has now been corrected according the original description to CZ 188.
The strain was submitted to factor analysis by Kmety and Lataste-Dorolle (1973), who proposed that the serovar should be placed within the Grippotyphosa serogroup, which was accepted by the TSC meeting in Manchester (1986).
* Gale N.B., Alexander A.D., Evans L.B., Yager R.H., Metheney R.A. An outbreak of leptospirosis among U.S. army troops in the Canal Zone. II. Isolation and characterization of the isolates. Amer. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 15, no. 1, 1966, 64-70.
* WHO: Current Problems in Leptospirosis Research. Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32.
* Kmety E., Lataste-Dorolle C. Analyse factorielle du sérogroup leptospirien Grippotyphosa. Ann. Microbiol. (Inst. Pasteur) 124XB, 1973, 495-503.
* TSC meeting, 1986, Manchester: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37, 1987, 472-473.
Showing 1 strains
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