
Carlos C 3 1973

The strain was isolated in 1970 from the kidney of a toad (Bufo marinus) captured near Surralah in the Philippines and described as a new serovar named carlos, ref. strain C 3 (Babudieri et al., 1973).
Because the strain did not reveal major serological relationship to any of the known serovars, it was suggested that it might represent a new serogroup named Bufonis. However, being the only member of that group, the serovar was provisionally placed in the serogroup to which it was most closely related, viz. Autumnalis.
* Babudieri B., Carlos E.R., Carlos E.T. Pathogenic Leptospira isolated from toad kidneys. Trop. Geogr. Med. 25, 1973, 3, 297-299.
Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
C 3F64 C22001-01-10:64-2.400.50add to cart
C 3F64 C62001-01-10:64-6.500.50add to cart
C 3F64 C72001-01-10:64-7.412800.50add to cart
C 3F65 C32001-01-10:65-3.36400.50add to cart
C 3F69 C152001-01-10:69-15.512800.50add to cart
C 3F64 C81986-11-06:64-8.325601.00add to cart
C 3F69 C21985-04-12:69-23201.00add to cart
C 3F69 C81987-04-24:69-8.3401.00add to cart
C 3F69 C141985-03-29:69-14.16401.00add to cart
C 3F69 C121985-04-05:69-12.1/12.212802.00add to cart