
Fugis Fudge 1957

The strain was isolated from a patient in Malaysia and described as a new serovar named fugis, ref. strain Fudge (Alexander et al., 1957).
The strain was submitted to factor analysis by Kmety (1960). Later it was suggested that it should be placed in the subgroup Australis (Dikken and Kmety, 1978).
* Alexander A.D., Evans L.B., Toussaint A.J., Marchwicki R.H., McCrumb F.R. Jr. Leptospirosis in Malaya Il. Antigenic Analysis of 110 leptospiral strains and other serologic studies. Amer. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 6, 7, 1957, 871-889.
* Kmety E. An attempt to subdivide the Leptospira Australis A serogroup. In the Leptospirae and Leptospirosis in men and animals. Wydaw. Pol. Akad. Nauk. Warszawa, 1960, p. 27-39.
* Dikken H., Kmety E., Geus A. de, Adinarayanan N., Timmer V.E.A. Two new Leptospira serovars belonging to the Hebdomadis serogroup. Trop. Geogr. Med. 30, 4, 1978, 537-542

Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
FudgeF90 C61997-01-01:90-6.46400.50inquire
FudgeF132 C71988-02-08:132-7.102.00add to cart
FudgeF132 C21988-02-02:132-2.102.00add to cart