Grippotyphosa type Moskva

Grippotyphosa Moskva V 1928

Tarassov and Epstein isolated strains from patients with "water-fever" in the Moscow region of the Soviet-Union, studied them serologically and denominated them as L. grippotyphosa. No names of strains are mentioned in the original paper (Tarassov, Epstein, 1928).
According to Chernukha (personal communication), Terskikh isolated in 1929 a strain from a patient which was sent to Amsterdam under the designation "Moskva Y". The strain was studied by Dinger (1930), who found it serologically distinct from Icterohaemorrhagiae and other strains. This is apparently the strain known today as Moskva V. It is considered to be the reference strain of serovar Grippotyphosa.
The strain was later submitted to factor analysis (Kmety, Lataste-Dorolle, 1973), which revealed its antigenic structure.
Using monoclonal antibodies strains of this serovar can be further subdivided (Kmety et al. and Ananyina et al., Leptospirosis Research Conference Moskou, 1991).
Based on various differences described by Wolff and Bohlander, 1952, Steinen et al., 1992 and Hartskeerl et al., 2004, the serovar Grippotyphosa have been divided into two types, i.e. Grippotyphosa type Moskva and Grippotypohosa type Duyster (Hartskeerl et al., 2004). This division in types has been recognized by the Subcommittee on the taxonomy of Leptospiraceae, in the meeting of 18 September 2007 in Quito (TSC, 2008).
It should be noted that according to the current criteria that define a separate serovar (TSC 1987), the serovars Grippotyphosa, Ratnapura, Valbuzzi and Muelleri actually consist of a single serovar (Hartskeerl et al., 2004)
* Tarassov S., Epstein H. W. K voprosu tak nazyvaiemykh vodnykh likhoradok (Concerning the so called water-fevers). Gig. Epidemiol. 9, 1928, 51-52.
* Dinger J.E., Verschaffelt F. Recherches experimentales sur quelques souches de leptospires. Annales de l'Institute Pasteur 45, 1930, 396.
* Kmety E., Lataste-Dorolle C. Analyse factorielle du serogroup leptospirien Grippotyphosa. Ann. Microbiol. (Inst. Pasteur) 124XB, 1973, 495-503.
* Wolff, J. W., Bohlander H.: A survey of the epidemiology and serology and an investigation on the possible occurrence in bovines in The Netherlands. Doc. Med. Geograph. Trop. IV,1952, 257-265.
* Steinen, A. C. M., J. L. Schuurman, C. Gravekamp, H. Korver, W. J. Terpstra. Muskrats as carriers of pathogenic leptospires in The Netherlands. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 61, 1992, 43-50.
* Hartskeerl RA, Goris MGA, Brem S, Meyer P, Kopp H, Gerhards H, Wollanke B. Classification of Leptospira from the eyes of horses suffering from recurrent uveitis. J Vet Med; Series B 51, 2004, 110-115.
* TSC. International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes, Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospiraceae; Minutes of the Meeting , 18 September 2007, Quito, Ecuador. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 58, 2008, 1049-1050.
* TSC. International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology, Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira: Minutes of the Meeting, 5 and 6 September 1986, Manchester, UK. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37, 1987, 472-473.

Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
Moskva VF71 C22000-01-27:71-2.625600.50add to cart
Moskva VF71 C32002-04-01:71-3.400.50add to cart
Moskva VF71 C92019-03-07:71-9.56400.50add to cart
Moskva VF71 C131997-01-01:71-13.451200.50add to cart
Moskva VF71 C161997-10-28:71-16.66400.50add to cart
Moskva VF71 C172001-01-10:71-17.751200.50add to cart
Moskva VF164 C12002-04-01:164-1.400.50add to cart
Moskva VF165 C11997-01-01:165-1.412800.50add to cart
Moskva VF165 C22010-11-23:165-2.76400.50add to cart
Moskva VF165 C32001-01-10:165-3.525600.50add to cart
Moskva VF165 C71997-01-01:165-7.525600.50add to cart
Moskva VF165 C82002-04-01:165-8.500.50add to cart
Moskva VF165 C122001-01-10:165-12.500.50add to cart