
Huanuco M 4 1979

The strain was isolated by Hidalgo in November 1974 from an opossum (Philander opossum) trapped in the Huanuco department of Peru. In 1975 the strain was sent to Chernukha in Moscow for further serological identification. On the basis of those results it was described as a new serovar named huanuco, with reference strain M 4 and was
proposed to belong to a new serogroup Huanuco (Agirre et al., 1979).
Because the strain shows some serological relationship with certain strains of the Grippotyphosa serogroup, especially with Kipod 179, it was tentatively placed in the Grippotyphosa group. As it was not yet confirmed by a RL the TSC (Manchester, 1986) accepted it on a provisional basis and the serovar was therefore marked (+) in the Revised List of Serovars of 1988. It has since been fully confirmed and appears in the attached updated list unconditionally (TSC, Osaka, 1990).
+ Provisional status; serovars validly described but not yet confirmed by serological typing results of a Reference (Ref.) Laboratory (Lab.) even as the original description was based on the typing results of a Ref. Lab.
* Agirre M., Chernukha Yu. Klasifikatsia leptospir, vydjelennykh v Peru (Classification of Leptospira, isolated in Peru.). J. Microbiol. (Moscow), No. 2, 1979, 77-81.
* TSC meeting, 1986, Manchester: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37, 1987, 472-473 .
* TSC meeting, 1990, Osaka: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42, 1992, 330-334.

Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
M 4F71 C22000-01-27:71-2.625600.50add to cart
M 4F71 C32002-04-01:71-3.400.50add to cart
M 4F71 C92019-03-07:71-9.500.50add to cart
M 4F71 C131997-01-01:71-13.46400.50add to cart
M 4F71 C172001-01-10:71-17.700.50add to cart
M 4F164 C12002-04-01:164-1.400.50add to cart
M 4F165 C11997-01-01:165-1.400.50add to cart
M 4F165 C22010-11-23:165-2.700.50add to cart
M 4F165 C32001-01-10:165-3.500.50add to cart
M 4F165 C71997-01-01:165-7.500.50add to cart
M 4F165 C82002-04-01:165-8.500.50add to cart
M 4F165 C122001-01-10:165-12.500.50add to cart