
Mozdok 5621 1965

The strain was isolated in 1961 from the kidney of a common field vole (Microtus arvalis), trapped in the Mozdok district of North Ossetica, Soviet Union, by Semenova (1965), who considered it to be a subserovar of pomona. Chernukha (1966) confirmed its separate status. However, in comparative studies Kmety (1970) did not find sufficient serological differences between strain 5621 and Pomona to justify its separate status. Similar findings were reported by Borg-Petersen (1974). In contrast Nicolescu and Moldoveanu (1974) confirmed again its separate status, which was supported by comparative factor analysis studies of Manev (1976). Terpstra carried out studies with monoclonal antibodies and considered the strain to be a separate serovar (Terpstra et al., 1987). The strain was already included in the list of 1967 under provisional status, and was recognized as representing a separate serovar by the TSC in 1986.
* Semenova L.P. New serological subtype of the Pomona leptospiral group: L. pomona mozdok. J. Hyg. Epidem. Microbiol. Immun. / Prague / 9, 3, 1965, 233-239.
* Chernukha Yu.G. Antigenic Analysis of Leptospira strains belonging to the Pomona group. Trop. Geogr. Med. 18, 1966, 242-246.
* Kmety E. Comparative studies of some recently described new leptospiral serotypes. Trop. Geogr. Med. 72, 3, 1970, 357-363.
* Borg-Petersen Ch. Thermolabile agglutinogens in leptospires of the Pomona serogroup. Folia Fac. Med. Univ. Comenianae Bratisl. 12, suppl. 1974, 111-122 .
* Nicolescu M, Moldoveanu G. Serotype determination of reference strains in the Pomona serogroup. Results obtained by using antisera prepared with living and respectively heat-killed leptospires as antigens. Folia Fac. Med. Univ. Comenianae Bratisl. 12, suppl. 1974, 123-129.
* Manev H. Serological Characteristics of the Leptospira serogroup Pomona. I. Factor Analysis of the Reference Strains. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. I. Abt. Orig. A 236, 1976, 316-322.
* Terpstra W.J., Korver H., Schoone G.J., Leeuwen J. v., Schonemann C.E., De Jonge¬Aglibut S., Kolk A.H. Comparative Classification of Leptospira Serovars of the Pomona group by Monoclonal Antibodies and Restriction Endonuclease Analysis. Zbl. Bakt. Hyg. A 266, 1987, 412-421.
* TSC meeting, 1986, Manchester: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37, 1987, 472-473.

Showing 2 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
5621F43 C92001-01-10:43-9.7800.50add to cart
5621F46 C92002-04-01:46-9.36400.50add to cart
5621F48 C32002-04-01:48-3.400.50add to cart
5621F46 C22005-11-25:46-2.600.50add to cart
5621F58 C12002-04-01:58-1.4409600.50add to cart
5621F71 C22000-01-27:71-2.6800.50add to cart
5621F71 C32002-04-01:71-3.400.50add to cart
5621F71 C172001-01-10:71-17.700.50add to cart
5621F48 C62001-01-10:48-6.56400.50inquire
5621F164 C12002-04-01:164-1.400.50add to cart
5621F165 C32001-01-10:165-3.500.50add to cart
5621F165 C82002-04-01:165-8.500.50add to cart
5621F165 C122001-01-10:165-12.500.50add to cart
5621F46 C51984-01-20:46-5.112801.00inquire
5621F46 C101984-01-20:46-10.112801.00add to cart
5621F61 C71984-11-22:61-7.125601.00inquire