
Muenchen München C 90 1942

The strain was isolated by Rimpau (1942) from a patient in Germany, who considered it to belong to the former Australis B group (later named Pyrogenes group). In this publication no name of the isolate is given. Wolff (1953) found the strain to be different from Ballico. It appears already in 1954 in the list of Wolff and Broom as a recognized serovar muenchen with strain name Munchen C 90 in the Australis group.
The strain was submitted to factor analysis (Kmety, 1960) and later it was suggested that it should be placed in the subgroup Jalna (Dikken and Kmety, 1978).
* Rimpau W. Eine Einteilung der Leptospirosen. Klin. Wschr. 21, 15, 1942, 342-343.
* Wolff J. W. The classification of pathogenic leptospires. In: Symposium on the Leptospires, Washington D.C. Army Medical Service Graduate School, Med. Sc. Publ. No. 1, 1953, 174-182.
* Wolff J.W. Serological classification of type strains of Leptospira. Advances in the Control of Zoonoses. WHO Monogr. Ser. No. 19, Geneva 1953, 139.
* Kmety E. Contribution to the antigenic structure of Leptospira serotypes forming the Australis serogroup. J. Hyg. Epidem. Microbiol. Immun. (Prague) 4, 2, 1960, 171-174.
* Kmety E.: An attempt to subdivide the Leptospira Australis A serogroup. In the Leptospirae and Leptospirosis in men and animals. Wydaw. Pol. Akad. Nauk. Warszawa, 1960, p. 27-39.
* Dikken H., Kmety E. Serological Typing Methods of Leptospires. Methods in Microbiol. vol. 11, 1978, 260-295.
Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
München C 90F81 C32001-01-10:81-3.300.50inquire
München C 90F81 C52001-01-10:81-5.412800.50inquire
München C 90F81 C61997-10-28:81-6.400.50inquire
München C 90F81 C81998-10-03:81-8.5400.50inquire
München C 90F90 C41999-03-26:90-4.500.50add to cart
München C 90F90 C52000-01-27:90-5.600.50add to cart
München C 90F90 C81998-11-30:90-8.451200.50add to cart
München C 90F90 C122000-01-27:90-12.400.50inquire
München C 90F90 C61997-01-01:90-6.451200.50inquire
München C 90F132 C71988-02-08:132-7.16402.00add to cart
München C 90F81 C12000-01-27:81-1.712800.50inquire
München C 90F132 C21988-02-02:132-2.102.00add to cart