
Nigeria Vom 1989

The strain was isolated from a bovine kidney obtained from the abattoir in Jos, Nigeria, and described by Ezeh et al. (1989) as a new serovar in the Pyrogenes group. However, in this publication no serovar name is given. Only the laboratory code number of the strain is given as vv 3 JA. But in the following paper by Ezeh et al. (1990) the serovar name nigeria is proposed. In this paper the strain name Vom is suggested, which should replace the laboratory code. The status of the strain has been confirmed by a RL. It is included in the attached updated list of serovars.
* Ezeh A.O., Kmety E., Ellis W.A., Addo P.B., Adesiyun A.A. Characterization of leptospires isolated from cattle and man in Plateau State, Nigeria. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 8, 4, 1989, 1009-1020.
* Ezeh A.O., Kmety E., Ellis W.A., Addo P.B. A new leptospiral serovar in the Pyrogenes serogroup isolated in Nigeria. Rev. Sci. Tech. Off. Int. Epiz. 9, 4, 1990, 1195-1196.
Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
VomF134 C62001-01-10:134-6.4400.50add to cart
VomF134 C21995-06-01:134-2.302.00add to cart
VomF134 C41988-04-20:134-4.13202.00add to cart
VomF134 C51989-05-17:134-5.16401.00add to cart