Peruviana V 42 1973
The strain was isolated in 1962 from cattle in Peru by Hidalgo and Herrer and studied by Galton (WHO, 1967). Although an official description of the serovar was not published, it appeared in the list of serovars of 1967 (WHO, 1967), under provisional status, named peruviana, ref. strain LT 941 (CDC code number). The strain was described by Hidalgo (1973), who gave the name of the strain as V 42 instead of LT 941. The strain was also submitted to factor analysis (Kmety, unpublished data), and is listed in Appendix V. of Dikken and Kmety's publication (1978) as a member of the Australis subgroup.
* WHO: Current Problems in Leptospirosis Research. Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32.
* Liceras de Hidalgo J., Galton M.M., Hidalgo R. Nuevo serotypo de Leptospira del Serogrupo Australis, aislado de un vacuno del Peru. Rev. Inst. Zoon. Invest. Pecuar. 2, 1-2, 1973, 41-55.
* Dikken H., Kmety E. Serological Typing Methods of Leptospires. Methods in Microbiol. vol. 11, 1978, 260-295.
Showing 1 strains
Each strain costs € 564,00
Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies
All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml
V 42 | F81 C3 | 2001-01-10:81-3.3 | 5120 | 0.50 | inquire |
V 42 | F81 C5 | 2001-01-10:81-5.4 | 1280 | 0.50 | inquire |
V 42 | F81 C6 | 1997-10-28:81-6.4 | 0 | 0.50 | inquire |
V 42 | F90 C4 | 1999-03-26:90-4.5 | 5120 | 0.50 | add to cart |
V 42 | F90 C5 | 2000-01-27:90-5.6 | 640 | 0.50 | add to cart |
V 42 | F90 C8 | 1998-11-30:90-8.4 | 10240 | 0.50 | add to cart |
V 42 | F90 C12 | 2000-01-27:90-12.4 | 20 | 0.50 | inquire |
V 42 | F90 C6 | 1997-01-01:90-6.4 | 5120 | 0.50 | inquire |
V 42 | F132 C7 | 1988-02-08:132-7.1 | 160 | 2.00 | add to cart |
V 42 | F81 C1 | 2000-01-27:81-1.7 | 5120 | 0.50 | inquire |
V 42 | F132 C2 | 1988-02-02:132-2.1 | 0 | 2.00 | add to cart |