
Abstract: The genus Leptospira currently comprises 17 named species. In addition, four un-named hybridization groups were designated Leptospira genomospecies 1, 3, 4 and 5. These groups represent valid species level taxa, but were not assigned names in the original description by Brenner et al. (1999). To rectify this situation, it is proposed that Leptospira genomospecies 1, genomospecies 3, genomospecies 4 and genomospecies 5 should be classified as Leptospira alstonii sp. nov., Leptospira vanthielii sp. nov., Leptospira terpstrae sp. nov., Leptospira yanagawae sp. nov., respectively with strains L. alstonii 79601T (=ATCC BAA-2439T), L. vanthielii WaZ HollandT (=ATCC 700522T), L. terpstrae LT 11–33T (=ATCC 700639T) and L. yanagawae Sao PauloT (=ATCC 700523T) as type strains.

* Classification of Leptospira genomospecies 1, genomospecies 3, genomospecies 4 and genomospecies 5 as Leptospira alstonii sp. nov., Leptospira vanthielii sp. nov., Leptospira terpstrae sp. nov., Leptospira yanagawae sp. nov., respectively. Smythe L, Adler B, Hartskeerl RA, Galloway RL, Turenne CY, Levett PN in: Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2012 Sep 14, pp. aheadofprint

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