Vanderhoedeni Kipod 179 1969
The strain was isolated from the kidney of a long-eared hedgehog (Hemiechinus auritus) in Israel and described as a new serovar named L. van der Hoeden, ref. strain Kipod 179 (van der Hoeden, Shenberg, Torten, 1969).
The strain was submitted to factor analysis by Kmety and Lataste-Dorolle (1973), who, on the basis of the results, proposed that the strain should be placed only provisionally within the serogroup Grippotyphosa, since it does not share any common main antigen with the other serovars of that group. The name of the serovar was changed into vanderhoedeni to accord to the IC.
* Hoeden T. van der, Shenberg E., Torten M. A new leptospiral serotype belonging to the serogroup Grippotyphosa. J. trop. Med. Hyg. 72, 7, 1969, 176-178.
* Kmety E., Lataste-Dorolle C. Analyse factorielle du serogroup leptospirien Grippotyphosa. Ann. Microbiol. (Inst. Pasteur) 124XB, 1973, 495-503.
Showing 1 strains
Each strain costs € 564,00
Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies
All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml