
Zanoni Zanoni 1937

The strain was isolated in 1933 from a patient in Australia by Cotter and Sawers (1934) and studied by Lumley (1937), who tentatively named the group represented by this strain Australis B. Walch-Sorgdrager et al. (1938) studied the strain in more detail and found it to be closely related to Salinem. In Wolff and Broom's list of 1954 the strain is placed already within the Pyrogenes group under the serovar name australis B, reference strain Zanoni/C 14. The serovar name was changed later to zanoni-australis B (WHO, 1959), but in the 1965 list (WHO, 19.65) only the name zanoni is given as both the serovar name and strain name. The strain was submitted to factor analysis by Kmety (1967), on the basis of which it was suggested that the serovar should be placed in subgroup Zanoni (Dikken & Kmety, 1978).
* Cotter T.J., Sawers W.C. Laboratory and epidemiological Investigation of an outbreak of Weil's disease in North Queensland. Med. J. Austr. 21, 2, 1934, 597-605.
* Lumley G.F. Leptospirosis in Queensland: A serological investigation leading to the discovery of distinct serological groups of Leptospirae causing leptospirosis as it occurs in Northern Queensland, with some other related observations. Med. J. Austr. 24, 2, 1937, 654-664.
* Walch-Sorgdrager B., Bohlander H., Schiiffner W. Over leptospirosis in Australia en enige opmerkingen over de soortbepaling der daar geïsoleerde stammen. Geneesk. Tijdschr. Ned.-Ind. 78, 1938, 2299-2308.
* Wolff J.W., Broom J.C. The Genus Leptospira Noguchi 1917, Problems of Classification and Suggested System Based on Antigenic Analysis. Doc. Med. Geogr. Trop. 6, 1954, 78-95.
* WHO: Joint WHO/FAO Expert Committee on Zoonoses. Wld. Hlth. Org. Techn. Rep. Ser. No. 169, Geneva 1959, p. 83.
* WHO: Classification on Leptospires and Recent Advances in Leptospirosis. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 32, 5, 1965, 881-891.
* Kmety E. Faktoranalyse von Leptospiren der Icterohaemorrhagiae and einiger verwandter Serogruppen. Biologicke Prace, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Vyd. SAV Bratislava XIII, 3, 1967, p. 124.
* Dikken H., Kmety E. Serological Typing Methods of Leptospires. Methods in Microbiol. vol. 11, 1978, 260-295.
Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
ZanoniF134 C62001-01-10:134-6.425600.50add to cart
ZanoniF134 C21995-06-01:134-2.325602.00add to cart
ZanoniF134 C41988-04-20:134-4.102.00add to cart
ZanoniF134 C51989-05-17:134-5.151201.00add to cart