
Bajan Toad 60 1991

The strain was isolated in 1985 on the island of Barbados during an investigation on leptospirosis in toads, from the kidney of a (giant) marine toad (Bufo marinus) (Everard et al., 1988). The strain has been typed in 3 reference laboratories by cross-agglutinin absorption tests and was also studied by monoclonal antibodies and restriction endonuclease analysis (Gravekamp et al., 1991). On basis of the results of those investigations the strain was recognized as a separate serovar. They suggested the serovar name Bajan, with strain name Toad 60. Bajan is the local word for Barbados.
The strain was not described at the time the Revised List (Kmety & Dikken, 1988) was published. As its separate serological status was confirmed by a RL, the strain was included in the Annex of that list. As the serovar recently has been published, it is now removed from the Annex and placed as a member of the Australis group in the attached updated list.
* Everard C.O.R., Carrington D., Korver H., Everard J.D. Leptospirosis in the marine toad (Bufo marinus) on Barbados. J. Wildlife Dis. 24, 1988, 334-338.
* Gravekamp C., Korver H., Montgomery J., Everard C.O.R., Carrington d., Ellis W.A., Terpstra W.J. Leptospires Isolated from Toads and Frogs on the Island of Barbados. Zbl. Bakt. 275/3, 1991.
* Kmety E., Dikken H. Revised List of Leptospira Serovars (accepted by the Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira). University Press Groningen, 1988, p. 16.

Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00

Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies

All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml

Volume (ml)
Toad 60F81 C32001-01-10:81-3.300.50inquire
Toad 60F81 C52001-01-10:81-5.43200.50inquire
Toad 60F81 C61997-10-28:81-6.400.50inquire
Toad 60F81 C81998-10-03:81-8.5200.50inquire
Toad 60F90 C41999-03-26:90-4.500.50add to cart
Toad 60F90 C52000-01-27:90-5.600.50add to cart
Toad 60F90 C81998-11-30:90-8.4102400.50add to cart
Toad 60F90 C122000-01-27:90-12.400.50inquire
Toad 60F90 C61997-01-01:90-6.451200.50inquire
Toad 60F132 C71988-02-08:132-7.125602.00add to cart
Toad 60F81 C12000-01-27:81-1.712800.50inquire
Toad 60F132 C21988-02-02:132-2.125602.00add to cart