Leptospira Library Leptospira Strains Rabbit Antisera Monoclonal Antibodies Culture Media My Basket Empty Cart Mengpeng A 82 1985The strain was isolated in 1970 from the blood of a patient in Mengla County, China, and described by Zhang Fang-zheng et al. (1985) as a new serovar of the Tarassovi or Shermani serogroup. Being not yet confirmed by a RI, it is given provisional status (+), and is tentatively placed in the Tarassovi group in the attached updated list. This was accepted by the TSC (Osaka, 1990).Footnotes+ Provisional status; serovars validly described but not yet confirmed by serological typing results of a Reference (Ref.) Laboratory (Lab.) even as the original description was based on the typing results of a Ref. Lab.---* Zhang Fang-zheng, Wang Jun-jie, Meng Pei-yun. Three new serovars in Leptospira interrogans. Acta Microbiol. Sinica 25, 2, 1985, 102-107.* TSC meeting, 1990, Osaka: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 42, 1992, 330-334. Showing 1 strains Each strain costs € 564,00 SerovarStrainSpeciesSerogroupKIT code MengpengA 82Unknown or unclearTarassoviKIT0027inquire Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml StrainMonoclonalantibodyBatchTiterVolume (ml) There are no items to display