Polonica 493 Poland 1964
The strain was isolated in Poland in 1957 from a hedgehog (Erinaceus roumanicus) by Parnas and Cybulska (1965), who described it as anew serovar named polonica. Wolff and Bohlander (1964) studied the strain and confirmed its separate serological status. This last paper appeared earlier than the publication in which the original findings were published. The description is therefore attached to the year 1964. The serovar appears for the first time in the list of 1965 (WHO, 1965). The strain was submitted to factor analysis by Kmety (1977) and placed in the by him suggested subgroup Sejroe of serogroup Sejroe.
* Parnas J., Cybulska M. Leptospira polonica - a new serotype. Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., C1. II, 13, 9, 1965, 505-507.
* Wolff J.W., Bohlander H.J. Two new serotypes belonging to the group of Leptospira Hebdomadis. Trop. Geogr. Med. 16, 2, 1964, 88-91.
* WHO: Classification on Leptospires and Recent Advances in Leptospirosis. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 32, 5, 1965, 881-891.
* Kmety E.: Studium antigennej structury leptospir. Klasifikacia serologickej skupiny Hebdomadis. Folia Fac. Med. Univ. Comenianae Bratisl. XV., 2, 1977, 245-309.
Showing 1 strains
Each strain costs € 564,00
Reactions between reference strains and monoclonal antibodies
All monoclonal antibodies are € 698,00 per 0.5 ml
493 Poland | F13 C3 | 1997-12-16:13-3.1 | 163840 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F13 C193 | 1997-10-28:13-193.1 | 10240 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F16 C28 | 1999-06-01:16-28.3 | 320 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F16 C140 | 2002-04-01:16-140.4 | 20480 | 0.50 | inquire |
493 Poland | F16 C327 | 1997-12-16:16-327.3 | 10240 | 0.50 | inquire |
493 Poland | F21 C2 | 1998-10-03:21-2.3 | 40960 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F22 C1 | 1998-10-03:22-1.6 | 1280 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F22 C2 | 1983-02-11:22-2.2 | 2560 | 1.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F22 C6 | 1998-10-03:22-6.2 | 10240 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F22 C8 | 1983-02-01:22-8 | 1 | 1.00 | inquire |
493 Poland | F28 C1 | 2010-04-19:28-1.13 | 5120 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F35 C10 | 1998-10-03:35-10.2 | 20480 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F38 C13 | 1983-10-10:38-13.1 | 0 | 1.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F38 C20 | 1998-10-03:38-20.5 | 5120 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F38 C24 | 2002-04-01:38-24.5 | 0 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F50 C3 | 1997-12-16:50-3.4 | 0 | 0.50 | inquire |
493 Poland | F50 C5 | 1984-05-10:50-5.2 | 0 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F56 C3 | 1985-02-15:56-3.1 | 0 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F106 C1 | 1998-10-03:106-1.3 | 0 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F106 C5 | 1995-06-01:106-5.3 | 20480 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F106 C9 | 1999-03-26:106-9.3 | 0 | 0.50 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C2 | 1987-11-19:127-2.1 | 0 | 1.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C4 | 1987-11-17:127-4.1 | 40960 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C10 | 1987-11-23:127-10.1 | 0 | 1.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C12 | 1987-11-17:127-12.1 | 0 | 1.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C13 | 1987-11-19:127-13.1 | 20480 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C14 | 1987-11-19:127-14.1 | 20480 | 1.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F127 C16 | 1987-11-19:127-16.1 | 20 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F128 C12 | 1987-12-13:128-12.1 | 320 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F128 C15 | 1987-12-06:128-15.1 | 2560 | 2.00 | add to cart |
493 Poland | F128 C16 | 1987-12-02:128-16.1 | 1280 | 2.00 | add to cart |