
Javanica serogroup - 1938

Since the publication of the WHO list of 1967, eight new serovars have been added to the Javanica serogroup which now contains a total of 14 serovars. Six of them were already officially recognized by the TSC Manchester, 1986, and they are included in the Revised List of 1988, viz.: serovars Menoni, Fluminense, and four Chinese serovars A 85, Dehong, Menrun and Yaan. Two additional Chinese serovars, Mengma and Zhenkang were only published recently and are therefore included in the attached updated serovar list.
The serovar status of three new serovars Fluminense, Mengma and Zhenkang are still under investigation, and the other four new Chinese strains have incomplete documentation (i.d.). The serovar designation A 85 does not agree with the requirements of the IC and will have to be changed. (Probably to Mengla, personal communications). One other serovar, referred to as Vargonicas, reference strain 24, although confirmed by RLs, has not yet been validly published and has therefore been placed in the Annex to the Revised List of 1988.
In the list of 1967, Annex 2, serovar Ceylonica was included while still unpublished, with the reference strain given as Dyananda. When published by Nityananda et al. (1969) the strain name was given as Piyasena. This name has therefore been given to the reference strain on the Revised (1988) and attached lists.
* WHO: Current Problems in Leptospirosis Research. Wld. Hlth. Org. Tech. Rep. Ser. No. 380, Geneva 1967, p.32
* TSC meeting, 1986, Manchester: Minutes. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 37, 1987, 472-473.
* Kmety E., Dikken H.: Revised List of Leptospira Serovars (accepted by the Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Leptospira). University Press Groningen, 1988, p. 16.
* Nityananda K., Sulzer C.R.: A new leptospiral serotype in the Javanica serogroup from Ceylon. Trop. Geogr. Med. 21, 2, 1969, 207-209.

Showing 16 strains Each strain costs € 564,00